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This area is filled with supplementary materials to Chris Ogden's regular photography feature column, "Pixels to Print™." Feel free to browse the helpful materials provided below. We have lots more to cover in future installments - we'd love to get an email with your thoughts...

This CNPA (Carolinas' Nature Photographers Association) column strives to help reverse a strong trend among us: surprisingly few photographers seem to print their work with any regularity and/or at significant sizes (12"x18" or larger). Thus, they are depriving their (potential) viewers of the chance for optimal, connected, and nuanced seeing and sensorial experiencing that their work deserves.

These materials are gifted to the photographic community as open source "freeware" under the creative commons license. Please feel free to do what you like with them, as long as you don't charge for them directly or indirectly, and leave the license and copyright notices intact. Support for these free materials is provided by our peers, on an ad hoc basis, via the CNPA Forums.

COMING SOON: Comprehensive eBook: Photo Canvas Creation - Everything You Need to Know!
If you'd like to be the first to know when it's released, This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it (we promise not to sell, distribute, or otherwise abuse your email-trust)!

Winter 2008 Supplements: Canvas Gallery Wraps, Preparing Your Print File
     Photoshop CS2-CS4 Actions: (these script are released as freeware, as long as copyright notice remains intact...)
  Gallery Wrap Action v1.0: Create Mirrored Edges & Crop Marks      click to download - view source
This script automatically creates mirrored borders you need to get a Gallery Wrapped Canvas!
It will create a new layer with mirrored borders using the width you specify. It will also add crop marks (to make folding around stretchers easier) to each of the 8 folding points on the canvas. Lastly, it will add Photoshop guides around the original image. Since separate layers are used, your original image should not be altered, nor will it be saved, allowing you to "undo" the results by "reverting" to your saved image (assuming you've saved your file before running this script).

You can run this script by double clicking the file, or you may access it from the File-> Scripts menu, if you put this file into the "Scripts "folder (inside "Presets", which is inside your Photoshop folder).

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[Chris Ogden is an award-winning professional fine art photographer and educator who is a principal of the In The Moment Images, Inc. ( based in Durham, North Carolina.]

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